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Germanen-Erbe: Monatsschrift für deutsche Vorgeschichte

Jahrgang 1936 and Jahrgang 1937 bound in one hard cover. Heavily illistrated. A popular periodical promoting Nazi archeological theories issued under the auspices of Alfred Rosenberg's Amt Rosenberg. ["Hans Reinerth was the main archaeologist Rosenberg used. Reinerth is famous for his excavations at the Federsee and he saw the Nazi Party as a tool he could use to work his way up in society. This is just what occurred, and in 1934 Rosenberg appointed him to the position of "Reich Deputy of German Prehistory". This made him the spokesman for the "purification and Germanisation of the German prehistory". Reinerth was an adherent of Hitler s theory of German racial purity. Though this theory never really came into full effect, Reinerth pushed it heavily as Reich Deputy, and encouraged archaeological exploration. His archaeological group, along with the Ahnenerbe organisation, was used to the Nazis' full advantage since it was ' professional'" - wikipedia]. Minor wear.

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    Book-29118
Price:    $339.96 $399.95 USD

Germanen-Erbe: Monatsschrift für deutsche Vorgeschichte Germanen-Erbe: Monatsschrift für deutsche Vorgeschichte Germanen-Erbe: Monatsschrift für deutsche Vorgeschichte Germanen-Erbe: Monatsschrift für deutsche Vorgeschichte Germanen-Erbe: Monatsschrift für deutsche Vorgeschichte Germanen-Erbe: Monatsschrift für deutsche Vorgeschichte Germanen-Erbe: Monatsschrift für deutsche Vorgeschichte Germanen-Erbe: Monatsschrift für deutsche Vorgeschichte Germanen-Erbe: Monatsschrift für deutsche Vorgeschichte Germanen-Erbe: Monatsschrift für deutsche Vorgeschichte

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