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Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by H. & F. Lauterjung

A rare maker on this one! The acid etched "H & F. Lauterjung W. Solingen" and "RZM M7/6" maker marks are both dark, crisp and beautifully executed! This piece has a solid fit and perfect tip. The blade rates Exc+/Exc++. There are surface scratches and age grey throughout. The black leather buffer pad continues to remain intact. The scabbard is steel based and black enamel painted. It has some minor spidering throughout yet continues to be completely dent free and retains 95% paint coverage! The folded over pig skin black leather strap looks great! The top button continues to work well. There is some cracking to the leather towards the snap. The hilt is alloy based and nickel-silver plated. The plating remains in great condition, about 97% intact. There is some calcium build up toward the one edge. The two black checkered, celluloid grip plates are tightly secured to the hilt by two steel oxidized rivets. To the center obverse is a properly pined HJ diamond logo. It is made out of a tombak base with multi-colored enamel work. The enamel remains completely intact! A nice dagger all around!

Rating:    Exc+
Item Number:    HJ-29006

Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by H. & F. Lauterjung Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by H. & F. Lauterjung Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by H. & F. Lauterjung Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by H. & F. Lauterjung Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by H. & F. Lauterjung Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by H. & F. Lauterjung Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by H. & F. Lauterjung Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by H. & F. Lauterjung Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by H. & F. Lauterjung Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by H. & F. Lauterjung

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