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SS Infantry Obersharfuhrer Shoulder Board

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Early, (November 1938-May 1940), second pattern, black wool construction, slip on shoulder strap with a single stamped alloy, rank pip, with bright, silver/aluminum, diamond patterned, NCO’s tress to all the outside edges and white wool waffenfarbe piping. Minor mothing

Rating:    Exc
Item Number:    SB-25198

SS Infantry Obersharfuhrer Shoulder Board SS Infantry Obersharfuhrer Shoulder Board SS Infantry Obersharfuhrer Shoulder Board SS Infantry Obersharfuhrer Shoulder Board SS Infantry Obersharfuhrer Shoulder Board SS Infantry Obersharfuhrer Shoulder Board SS Infantry Obersharfuhrer Shoulder Board SS Infantry Obersharfuhrer Shoulder Board SS Infantry Obersharfuhrer Shoulder Board SS Infantry Obersharfuhrer Shoulder Board

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