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NSDAP Readiness Detachment Armband

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Far rarer that the standard NSDAP armband! This type was used by NSDAP members performing operational duties. It is constructed out of a died red cotton base with a printed on white roundel with a black mobile swastika on it. The top and bottom have been folded over and stitched together with red stitching. The back is loose. It is soiled and there are no mothing. It measures approximately 2 inches tall by (which is about 1/3 the size of the standard NSDAP armband) by 17 inches long. An excellent variation to add to your collection!

Rating:    Exc+
Item Number:    AB-251

NSDAP Readiness Detachment Armband NSDAP Readiness Detachment Armband NSDAP Readiness Detachment Armband NSDAP Readiness Detachment Armband NSDAP Readiness Detachment Armband NSDAP Readiness Detachment Armband NSDAP Readiness Detachment Armband NSDAP Readiness Detachment Armband NSDAP Readiness Detachment Armband NSDAP Readiness Detachment Armband

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