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Austro-Hungarian Austrian Officer Parade Sword Troddle

Completely made of silver metallic fabric and long fringes on knot, three red strips on band. Double-headed eagle on both side,coat of arms of Austria-Hungary!

Rating:    VG/Exc
Item Number:    PT-23775
Price:    $149.95 USD

Austro-Hungarian Austrian Officer Parade Sword Troddle Austro-Hungarian Austrian Officer Parade Sword Troddle Austro-Hungarian Austrian Officer Parade Sword Troddle Austro-Hungarian Austrian Officer Parade Sword Troddle Austro-Hungarian Austrian Officer Parade Sword Troddle Austro-Hungarian Austrian Officer Parade Sword Troddle Austro-Hungarian Austrian Officer Parade Sword Troddle Austro-Hungarian Austrian Officer Parade Sword Troddle Austro-Hungarian Austrian Officer Parade Sword Troddle Austro-Hungarian Austrian Officer Parade Sword Troddle

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