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Feldherrnhalle Document signed by Victor Lutz

Document and color postcard regarding the establishment of the Feldherrnhalle cufftitle to unify the Army and SA. It’s a very historic and unique WWII item; sent in 1940 to Gfm. von Brauchitsch as C.I.C. of the Germany Army and signed by Viktor Lutz, chief of the SA. I've attached a photo of the back of the document and SA Chief Viktor Lutz's signature. Supposedly the pencil comments regarding the cufftitle are Gfm. Brauchitsch's.

Rating:    Exc+/Exc++
Item Number:    Doc-22649
Price:    $850.81 $1,000.95 USD

Feldherrnhalle Document signed by Victor Lutz Feldherrnhalle Document signed by Victor Lutz Feldherrnhalle Document signed by Victor Lutz Feldherrnhalle Document signed by Victor Lutz Feldherrnhalle Document signed by Victor Lutz Feldherrnhalle Document signed by Victor Lutz Feldherrnhalle Document signed by Victor Lutz Feldherrnhalle Document signed by Victor Lutz Feldherrnhalle Document signed by Victor Lutz Feldherrnhalle Document signed by Victor Lutz

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