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Shooting Club (Wesel) Button

A neat uniform button here! It is constructed out of three pieces two are die stamped steel that has been plated/silver washed the other is the tombak loop. The obverse features the Wesel coat of arms surrounded by “Bürger Schützenverein Wesel”. A great piece to add to your collection!

Rating:    Exc++/NM
Item Number:    Button-12687
Price:    $16.96 $19.95 USD

Shooting Club (Wesel) Button Shooting Club (Wesel) Button Shooting Club (Wesel) Button Shooting Club (Wesel) Button Shooting Club (Wesel) Button Shooting Club (Wesel) Button Shooting Club (Wesel) Button Shooting Club (Wesel) Button Shooting Club (Wesel) Button Shooting Club (Wesel) Button

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