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Here is a complete list of our Edged Weapons:


Army Daggers
Army Daggers
Forestry, Hunting and Shooting Daggers
Forestry, Hunting and Shooting Daggers
Fighting and Jack Knives
HJ and DJ Daggers
HJ and DJ Daggers
Luftwaffe Daggers
Luftwaffe Daggers
Navy Daggers
Navy Daggers
SA and NSKK Daggers
SA and NSKK Daggers
SS Daggers
SS Daggers
RAD Daggers
RAD Daggers
Red Cross Daggers
Red Cross Daggers
RLB Daggers
RLB Daggers
Other Daggers
Other Daggers


Combat Bayonets Dress Bayonets Fireman Bayonets
Police Bayonets Pioneer Bayonets Postal Bayonets


Army Swords Luftwaffe Swords Navy Swords
Police Swords Prison Official Swords SS Swords
Other Swords

Most orders are shipped in a quality heavily padded and zippered dagger case at no extra charge. These are ideal for providing safe long-term storage.

If you need extra Dagger, Bayonet or Sword cases see the Accoutrements Section.